Tag: Cranbrook Academy of Art

Filigree Jewelers / January Featured Vendor
Brent and Catherine, the co-owners of Filigree, are a vibrant and vivacious couple and their Minneapolis studio in the heart of the Warehouse District is super swank! The new gallery space Public Fun...
January 21, 2013 / Featured Vendor
My Photos are on a Band’s Album Cover!
I have been so excited about this and waiting to post about this for so long I can hardly contain myself! I was hired (I was actually paid) to do a photo shoot for a designer, Michael Cina, who was c...
August 14, 2012 / Personal
Featured Vendor of the Month / Jada Schumacher at design-orange
I cannot believe that it is August already and it is time again for another Featured Vendor! Jada Schumacher is the founder and designer of super fun products at design-orange. She creates all kinds ...
August 3, 2012 / Featured Vendor