September 4, 2020 / Travel
Our Journey To Oregon - Days 1 & 2
This trip took a lot of driving! Done all by Tim, I might have driven for an hour. I definitely think we could have used more time (12 days), but then maybe we would've just crammed in more stuff t...
This trip took a lot of driving! Done all by Tim, I might have driven for an hour. I definitely think we could have used more time (12 days), but then maybe we would’ve just crammed in more stuff to do. Heading out West was great because we kept gaining time, but we forgot about how we would lose time on our way back. We saw some beautiful country though! It’s a happy reminder about how spectacular this country is even in a time of strangeness. Nature prevails! If only we could all just think about the beauty of the land and learn how to appreciate it and respect it and allow it to bring us together.

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