December 11, 2015 /

Minneapolis Warehouse District Engagement Session

Chelsea and Chad are my kind of couple!  They are super laid back, they were laughing and having fun throughout the whole photo session (even though I know they were really cold) and they are just hap...

Chelsea and Chad are my kind of couple!  They are super laid back, they were laughing and having fun throughout the whole photo session (even though I know they were really cold) and they are just happy to be with each other.  I love Chelsea’s bright colors as well, they really represent their personalities!  The story of how they met is pretty cute too.  So, Chad and Chelsea both work for the same company and this company just happened to be owned by Chelsea’s dad.  One day Chad was in the bosses office and saw a photo of Chelsea on his desk.  When Chad made an inquiry about her, he was basically given the boot!  However, some time went by and Chad proved himself worthy and got invited over to meet the bosses daughter and the rest is history!  Minneapolis Warehouse District Engagement 1 Minneapolis Warehouse District Engagement 2 Minneapolis Warehouse District Engagement 3 Minneapolis Warehouse District Engagement 4 Minneapolis Warehouse District Engagement 5 Minneapolis Warehouse District Engagement 6Minneapolis Warehouse District Engagement Minneapolis Warehouse District Engagement 7 Minneapolis Warehouse District Engagement 8 Minneapolis Warehouse District Engagement 9 Minneapolis Warehouse District Engagement 10 Minneapolis Warehouse District Engagement 11 Minneapolis Warehouse District Engagement 12 Minneapolis Warehouse District Engagement 13Minneapolis Warehouse District Engagement 21 Minneapolis Warehouse District Engagement 14 Minneapolis Warehouse District Engagement 15 Minneapolis Warehouse District Engagement 16 Minneapolis Warehouse District Engagement 17 Minneapolis Warehouse District Engagement 18 Minneapolis Warehouse District Engagement 19 Minneapolis Warehouse District Engagement 20

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