July 19, 2016 /

Historic Hope Glen Farm Wedding Venue

Okay, so where so I start?  Um, will some lovely, awesome couple please, please, please, pretty PUH-LEASE hire me to photograph their wedding at the Historic Hope Glen Farm!!!!  This is not your avera...

Okay, so where so I start?  Um, will some lovely, awesome couple please, please, please, pretty PUH-LEASE hire me to photograph their wedding at the Historic Hope Glen Farm!!!!  This is not your average farm wedding venue.  This is a luxury farm.  It’s incredible, and it is just in Cottage Grove so it’s super close to the cities!  I recently visited the farm site during one of my networking meetings put on by TCWEP (Twin Cities Wedding and Event Professionals).  Since this was a networking event everything was set up to look like an actual wedding might.   Several vendors volunteered their time and goods to make this place look the way it did.  Vendors included in my photos are: Elizabeth Ashley Events who set the stage, Artemisia was the flower designer, A Vintage Touch provided the rental items and Sarah’s Tipsy Pies made the awesome desserts.  Homemade hand pies!  Need I say more?

That is just the tip of the iceberg!  This place has a “Corn-crib Cottage” for the bride and groom to rent and it is anything but a corn-crib.  And they just recently unveiled their, I can’t even believe I am saying this, Honey Moon Tree House Suite!  This is the jaw dropper!  It is nicer then my house!  I want to live here!  And if you get married here you can rent it and start out your honeymoon in a tree house!  If you are already married or you just want to stay in a tree house, they are listed on Air BNB.

Did I already say that I would really LOVE to photograph a wedding here?


It will happen, I just know it!

Historic Hope Glen Farm 1Historic Hope Glen Farm 2

Historic Hope Glen Farm 3 Historic Hope Glen Farm 4 Historic Hope Glen Farm 5 Historic Hope Glen Farm 6 Historic Hope Glen Farm 7 Historic Hope Glen Farm 8 Historic Hope Glen Farm 9 Historic Hope Glen Farm 10Historic Hope Glen Farm 18 Historic Hope Glen Farm 11 Historic Hope Glen Farm 12 Historic Hope Glen Farm 13 Historic Hope Glen Farm 14 Historic Hope Glen Farm 15 Historic Hope Glen Farm 16 Historic Hope Glen Farm 17 Historic Hope Glen Farm 19 Historic Hope Glen Farm 20 Historic Hope Glen Farm 21 Historic Hope Glen Farm 22 Historic Hope Glen Farm 23 Historic Hope Glen Farm 24 Historic Hope Glen Farm 25 Historic Hope Glen Farm 26 Historic Hope Glen Farm 27 Historic Hope Glen Farm 28 Historic Hope Glen Farm 29 Historic Hope Glen Farm 30 Historic Hope Glen Farm 31 Historic Hope Glen Farm 32

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