Category: Personal


You drive your car towards lavender and peony skies as the sun winks fuchsia and melon between steel grey clouds. Your window is rolled down and the wind, whips, wisps of your hair g...

June 26, 2014 / Personal


Sarah and I have been friends now for around 20 years!  I can't believe it.  Time goes by much too quickly.  We met in college on the 12th floor of The Nelson Hall dormitories in Moorhead, MN and we j...

June 19, 2014 / Personal

I Love You Francis

My sweet baby Francis, my beautiful, fluffy, bear cat left me for bluer skies on Friday and I can hardly bare it.  I loved him more then anything in the world, I gave him every single little bit...

May 25, 2014 / Personal

We are famous!

...Well, not really.  We did find a photo of us out with friends in the local Vita.MN paper that really made us laugh though!  We don't look very enthusiastic in the photo, but I promise we were havin...

May 16, 2014 / Personal

Baby Owl!

This is one of the cutest things I've ever seen!  This baby owl is in a nest over by my mom's in Golden Valley.  There are actually two in the nest but the other one was camera shy.  We saw the parent...

May 7, 2014 / Personal

A Minnesota Kind of Space (John, Bill & Ben)

I have always been fascinated by people's homes and living spaces and how they choose to decorate.  This probably has something to do with why I'm a wedding photographer.  DETAILS!  I love all the lit...

April 28, 2014 / Personal

Speaking of “Selfie’s”…

I was going through some old boxes of stuff the other day and I came across this gem!  It's okay, you can laugh, I am!  I was obviously a very serious artist back then.  Back in the day we called them...

March 24, 2014 / Personal

Worry, and the Long Eared Owl (I mean Screech-Owl)

I just got confirmation from Sharon The Birdchick that this is actually a Screech-Owl, not a Long Eared Owl.  Thanks Sharon! Just about every day, I worry.  I worry about my business and if I will ...

February 15, 2014 / Personal

My Niece Hannah!

A few weeks ago I had my niece Hannah over for a sleepover and we had a little impromptu photo shoot.  I think Francis got jealous half way through and joined in.

February 6, 2014 / Personal

My Favorite Film Photos of 2013

These were all shot on my Hasselblad camera.

January 10, 2014 / Personal