Filigree Jewelers / January Featured Vendor
Brent and Catherine, the co-owners of Filigree, are a vibrant and vivacious couple and their Minneapolis studio in the heart of the Warehouse District is super swank! The new gallery space Public Fun...
January 21, 2013 / Featured Vendor
A Wintery Minnesota Engagement Shoot and Snuffy’s Malt Shop / Megan & John
Megan and John are super adorable and fun to hang out with! And I especially love the fact that they wanted to include their adorable cat Buster in their engagement photos! I'm a big cat lover mysel...
January 17, 2013 / Engagements/Anniversaries
Published in the Minneapolis St. Paul Weddings Magazine!
Whoa! Two blog posts in one day! I know this is a bit crazy, but I couldn't wait another second to share this! I just love walking out onto my porch to find packages that were too large to be place...
January 15, 2013 / Published
Bird Snacks
I made these little orange bird feeders with seed and peanut butter last week. I thought the birds might like them, but I think it's just too cold out for them to know that they are there! Come back...
January 14, 2013 / Personal
I’m going to Justin & Mary’s What’s Next Tour!
Do you need some inspiration on these chilly and wet January days? I know I do! That is Why in a couple of weeks I'm heading down to Kansas City to go to Justin & Mary's What's Next Tour! T...
January 11, 2013 / Personal
The Calhoun Beach Club / James & Julia
Julia was recently a bridesmaid in the wedding of Liz & Josh, which I shot back in October. But now it is her time to shine! James and Julia have such a cute little love story! They basically h...
January 10, 2013 / Weddings
My 12 Favorite Wedding Photos from 2012 (And one extra)
Congrats to Megan Schuller! You are the winner of the Origins gift card! Thanks to everyone else for participating, I enjoyed seeing what photo was everyone's favorite! It is always SO hard to go...
December 31, 2012 / Weddings
Loss always seems harder around the holidays. You are supposed to be joyful and happy and spending time with your family and not having to worry about anything. But Death does not ask the living whe...
December 27, 2012 / Personal
A Magical Snowy Downtown St. Paul
I love these Hasselblad images I captured during last weeks snow storm!
December 18, 2012 / Personal
Sending out some Love
I simply want to send some LOVE out into the world today.
December 17, 2012 / Personal