February 9, 2015 /

Arizona Day 7: Miami & Tonto National Monument

Our last day of sunshine and cactus.  On our drive back up to the Phoenix airport we fit in a few more stops.  But there is just so much more to do!  The tiny town of Miami had all of these antique sh...

Our last day of sunshine and cactus.  On our drive back up to the Phoenix airport we fit in a few more stops.  But there is just so much more to do!  The tiny town of Miami had all of these antique shops that we were just dying to stop at but we couldn’t because we had a flight to catch.  I guess we will have to go back!

This museum was just the right size for Tim!

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Places like Tonto National Monument blow my mind!  People lived here!  700 years ago people were building this place out of mud, had babies, grew things, cooked… I know this sounds ridiculous, but, it’s just so hard for me to wrap my mind around it, to put myself in their shoes, or they probably didn’t have shoes I guess.  If only I had been this fascinated by history in high school!  The world just amazes me, okay!Arizona 124 Arizona 125 Arizona 126 Arizona 127

Just to give you an idea of how high up we were.Arizona 128 Arizona 129

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